Motherhood, Kids and Craziness

Not too long ago, I came across a random piece of writing, apparently written one day, several years ago, when I found myself in a funk, and I ran across a line that I'd written that said, "My children will grow up, move on - I don't know what, beyond that, to live for......." So, upon coming across that line, I thought to myself, how sad and pathetic that I had a moment in which I felt that there was nothing more for my own personal self. How low I must have felt in that moment to not have been able to look at the positive side of that coin (if you know me, you know I really try to lean toward the positive aspects, rather than bog myself into the depression of negativity - I usually try to express my negative emotion in poem). So, that said, I will periodically write on motherhood, kids and all the craziness that accompanies, but keep in mind, that my "baby" is 15 and my boys (pictured above) are now 23, so this is from the perspective of having already been there and done that and looking forward to one day (still in the future at least 5??? [please] years) becoming a grandparent.

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